
The origin of life

During the morning hours, the sun filtered through the large stained-glass windows of the little chapel, painting the wooden pews in a rainbow of colors. A mixture of anticipation and longing ran through Lily’s heart as she sat in the quiet solitude. On her lap, her worn Bible rested, the truths it contained sinking deep into her heart. Having come here for answers, she found much more – a love story that began with God’s breath, woven throughout eternity.

Last Sunday, Pastor Graham had shared a message of passion and steadiness. “Life is not a cosmic accident or a random spark,” he had said. His words had filled her mind now like a melody she could not forget, filling the quiet of the chapel with a melody she could not forget. “The spirit of man dwells in the very heart, carried through every vein by the blood God designed.” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Lily closed her eyes, taking in the words. These passages were more than simply scriptures; they were promises and whispers of hope.

Caleb, the man who found his way into her life unexpectedly, came to mind. His faith anchored him in a way that drew her in, making him strong and steadfast. Caleb’s love for God was not just spoken; it was lived out in every action, every word he spoke. He had shown Lily that he cared for others without hesitation, sacrificing his time and energy for their benefit. A reflection of Christ’s love, the kind of love that can only come from knowing the source of life, could be seen in him.

Despite this, Caleb had his own scars and battles. She sometimes saw the shadow in his eyes, the weight he carried. Lily prayed for him the hardest in those moments because she knew the truth: life—real, abundant life—could only come from God. The Lord, who breathed life into Adam, was the same God who gave His son, Jesus, for their eternal life, and she prayed Caleb would keep trusting Him.

Her mind wandered back to the beginning of Genesis, when God created Adam from dust. As she imagined the scene, the earth was silent, waiting, holding its breath. When God Himself leaned down and breathed into Adam’s nostrils, Adam became alive. There was a sense of intimacy and tenderness, a moment filled with divine love. Rather than just creating man, God gave him a part of Himself. His life was given to him by God. She felt her heart swell at the thought. Life itself was a gift to her with every breath she took and every heartbeat she felt.

The small cross hanging at the front of the chapel caught her attention as she opened her eyes. While her gaze lingered on what it represented, its simplicity was anything but simple. It involves the shedding of blood. It is the forgiveness of sins. There was no greater act of love, no greater sacrifice. An inanimate source could not produce life. The very life of God was poured out for humanity through the blood of Christ.

She turned to see Caleb standing at the back of the chapel when she heard the deep voice. His dark eyes softened when they met hers, and a small smile played on the corner of his lips. He stepped forward, catching the sunlight glinting off the golden band around his neck-a cross he always wore as a reminder of the love that saved him.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said reverently.

The smile on her face broke through as she replied, “You’re not interrupting.”. She could feel Caleb’s hand brushing against hers as he sat beside her. The simple touch sent a warm sensation through her veins, reminding her that love isn’t just something you read about—it’s something you feel and live.

As her eyes drifted back to the cross, she said softly, “I was just thinking about life.”. He is the beginning and the end of everything. Without Him, there is no life.”

The expression on Caleb’s face was thoughtful as he nodded. “I’ve been thinking about that too,” he said. We were breathed into being by God. Even after all the mistakes, all the brokenness, we can have life again through Jesus. It’s amazing, isn’t it? That He would be willing to give His life for us? ”

Lily felt tears sting her eyes. She had always known the truth, but sitting here, with Caleb by her side, it felt more real than ever. “He gives life,” she whispered. “And because of Him, there’s hope.”

Caleb reached for her hand, his grip firm yet gentle. “And because of Him,” he said, his voice steady, “we can face whatever comes next. Together.”

In that moment, Lily’s heart swelled with a love that was more than romantic—it was eternal, rooted in the very source of life itself. She realized then that their love story wasn’t just about the two of them. It was a reflection of the greatest story ever told: the story of a God who gave everything so His children could live. And as Caleb held her hand, she knew they would walk this faith journey together, hand in hand. They would follow the One who gave them life and love in abundance.

One response to “The origin of life”

  1. Sherilyn Allen Avatar
    Sherilyn Allen

    Beautiful love story between God & mankind & love shared between man and woman.

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